
What Are the Five Reasons Someone Should Utilize PPC Advertising?

Almost half of small businesses understand and aggregate finances toward PPC advertising (Pay-per-click). We will discuss five of the main benefits from utilizing this form of paid advertisement.

Allocating your spending appropriately is important as a small business, this is why most business owners are very particular about where they spend their advertising budgets.

Just under 50% of small businesses are utilizing PPC advertising methods. For businesses with 50 employees or more, this number jumps to 74 percent.

PPC is a cost-effective way of getting leads and more conversions on your website or advertisements. The publisher or search engine is paid for landing leads on your site, and you determine what you would like to pay per click.

The five main benefits are the ability to reach your audience, converting your buyers, raise your brand awareness, driving revenues & profits, and the ease of refining and optimizing your campaigns.

  1. Reaching your audience

There is a ton of online ad space throughout the internet. PPC gives you a targeted avenue and effective tool to reach new customers. Your PPC advertisements can target demographics, locations, keyword usage & volumes, and the time of day for searches. This large scope and these targeting methods can lead to a great ROI. Targeting local leads is also a great method when utilizing PPC marketing. Google suggests that 3 out of 4 customers are more likely to visit a store when they have found local google search results helpful.

Targeted search advertisements can also be used re-engage with people who have landed on your site before. The more your advertisements engage with them, the more likely you are to convert a lead. This “retargeting” allows for your brand to remain at the top of their awareness and engagement.

  1. Converting Your Buyers

Converting your buyers can be a difficult task. This task grows in difficulty the further on you are in your marketing funnel. People that are close to converting through your funnel are more likely to convert if they are seeing ads that promise a solution or value addition. “Buying Now” is one of the great successes in paid advertisements. If you are selling something that is the solution to someone’s problem within a search query you are more likely to convert.

Keyword strategies that also use commercial keywords to focus in on purchase intent like “buy”, “acquire”, and “Purchase” usually raises the success of a paid advertisement.

  1. Brand Awareness

PPC is a paid advertisement method that can be used to create immediate visibility in your marketplace. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can take a much longer time to produce as much visibility as PPC. PPC is a short-term solution to creating visibility, while SEO is a long-term solution. Paid advertisements usually command search engine results, and about 2 in 5 leads select one of the first three paid advertisements generated in their search query.

Often people argue that customers are more aware than we assume when it comes to determining which offerings are paid advertisements and which are organic rankings. This is however not true, between 35-50% of consumers fail to differentiate between paid ads and Google’s organic content from their search results. Regardless, the fact that PPC allows you to skip organic rankings, for a price, is a great way to gain exposure.

  1. Driving Revenues & Profits

The ROI from PPC is on the higher end in the space of Digital Marketing. This method is one of the only forms of digital advertisement where the owner/client is fully in control of their ad spend. However, knowing which road to take with that ad spend can be daunting. You must identify the search terms and phrases that will return your business the most success in the least amount of time, and at the lowest CPC (cost per click) reasonably allowable.

If you spend too little per click, on keywords that aren’t high in volume, your results will not be great. With a google search network average of $2.69 per click ,you should find yourself below this range depending on market competition and substitute product advertisements you may find.

You can calculate the cost of a keyword by taking its keyword volume and multiplying in by the average CTR (clickthrough rate) of your industry. This will tell you about the clicks per month you can expect to get, then multiple clicks per month by the CPC (cost per click) that you are setting your campaign at.

  1. Ease of Refining

The speed at which PPC advertisements drive results allows for a more active monitoring and refining of tactics. Using Google analytics as your data tool you can track the impact of your advertisement. Try something for a couple weeks and if you aren’t getting the results you expected, you can switch it up.

You should link both your google analytics and google ads account so you can connect the two in making analysis on which ads are converting or which pages are getting more views. This allows you to determine what is working best and what is most effective.

Why is Graphic Design so Important?

Our agency has pinpointed five different reasons why highly creative graphic design is important for your business. It is necessary to have highly creative graphic design if you are going to expect successful results.

  1. Creating a Strong Impression

Regardless of your industry there is clear market data that suggests you will face competition. Having a strong graphic design element to your business will assure you can assume market share in your industry. Creating a strong impression starts here. With building relationships through impressions on your customer. This is done so that they may remember your brand and product offering.

It is much more difficult to attain such a noteworthy impression without strong and creative graphic design. Big tech companies rely on having a sold design to make a long-lasting impression, so we suggest the same.

  1. Your Unique Brand Identity

Graphic design helps you achieve your brand identity. This is vital to the success of your marketing campaign and brand image. Your logo should be eye catching, as this is one of the most important connections with your customers. Again, Big Tech companies also rely on creative logos which strike in a powerful way with customers. This is because businesses understand the value behind digital media and utilizing creative graphic design.

  1. Graphic Design as a Mode of Communication

This is where your picture will speak volumes. Design does so much for communicating with your customer through branding. All the elements of color, layout, and imagery help you in delivering strong messages to new customers. Graphics make your message easier to digest. Employing a strong digital marketing agency to handle your digital media is best.

  1. Professionalism

Whether it be an online image, or a real-life relationship, professional branding and appearance will help customers and potential leads to distinguish between your brand and others. A higher level of professionalism will lead to more new customers and higher client retention rates.

  1. Building Credibility

Like professionalism, quality graphic designs boost your company’s credibility. This will help in the case of high competition in your niche’s marketplace. Higher credibility will also lead to converting new customers at a high rate. You want to have a polished look so that people understand you are an established business looking to participate in professional work engagements.

Hopefully you have a better understanding of how creative graphic design helps your mission of launching or running a successful business. You want to take time in developing your branding and make sure it fits your business now and in the future. Re-branding campaigns can be effective, when necessary, but they are a nice expense to avoid. Be sure to enlist high quality designers who understand that original work is highly valued and usually out-performs lower qualities of digital media.

SEO Services and Healthcare; is it a profitable collaboration?

Healthcare companies and Hospitals are always looking to attract new patients. Smaller and mid-size private firms understand that there is value behind content marketing and engaging with new customers through social media marketing. These efforts are often not rewarded if not properly optimized for search engine algorithms.

You will want to apply some SEO to your healthcare niche. This will become the most important aspect of your digital marketing strategy. People are no longer looking businesses up in the yellow pages. You need to be indexing high on keyword search phrases for local listings in your area. If you are not ranking high on google you are not going to get picked out of the bunch. Interested in how these SEO practices can help your healthcare business? Then keep on reading.

What is It?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process of implementing keywords and keyword phrases on your website to rank higher on Google. These efforts generate better visibility for your websites, leading to better conversions of new visitors. There are different aspects of SEO efforts. Our team of experts would love to assist you in brainstorming strong keywords for your company as well as check to see if your site is optimized for Google indexing.

Does it Work for Healthcare?

It works for any businesses who needs to generate new leads. You need to have an SEO plan that helps clients find you easier online. There are likely several medical facilities in your area if you are a healthcare marketing director asking this question. If there wasn’t strong competition, you wouldn’t be reading this blog post. You need to be sure that your website and advertisements online are reaching your customers at high levels. This requires auditing your site for any errors that google may be negatively ranking you for. Google appreciates well-structured sites, with the right titles and content lengths. It is tricky but when done correctly will be a great method for generating new business.